23rd Annual ACBA Golf Tournament Results
James I. Smith, III Cup (Overall first place team) – 148
Dennis Kusturiss
Craig Fishman
Alex Shenderovich
Edward Shenderovich
Robert B. Sommer Award (Scramble format first place team) – *62
Bob Cameron
Bill Law
Terry Murphy
Brian Riley
Low Gross Winners – 155
Mark Bartholic
Jeff Heeter
Jim Joyce
Max Laun
*Tie Broken By Scorecard Playoff
Robert L. Kirkpatrick Cup
Low Net Female: Beth Williams – 75
Low Net Male: Victor DiBattista – 72
Low Gross Female: Beth Williams – 97
Low Gross Male: Edward Shenderovich – 75
Skill Events
Longest Drive Hole #12
Male: Carlo Dorazio
Female: Julie Kline
Closest to the Pin (Female)
Hole #5 Julie Kline 20’7”
Hole #8 Julie Kline 10’4”
Closest to the Pin (Male)
Hole #2 Jim Joyce 6’11”
Hole #11 Steve Guinn 4’1/2”
Longest Putt
Dan Borden 16’11”